Masata is committed to preventing modern slavery and human trafficking in all its forms within our organization and throughout our supply chain. This statement outlines our efforts to address and eradicate these issues.


Our Business

[Your Company Name] is a [briefly describe your business type, e.g., retailer, manufacturer, service provider] operating in [mention your geographical locations or areas of operation].


Our Values

We are dedicated to upholding the highest ethical standards and promoting human rights, fairness, and respect for all individuals, both within our organization and among our business partners.


Our Approach to Modern Slavery

1. Policies and Procedures: We have established clear policies and procedures to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking. These include our Code of Conduct, which all employees and suppliers are expected to adhere to.

2. Risk Assessment: We conduct regular assessments of our business and supply chain to identify and address any potential risks related to modern slavery and human trafficking.

3. Supplier Due Diligence: We require our suppliers to share our commitment to combatting modern slavery and human trafficking. We engage with suppliers to ensure they meet our ethical standards and conduct audits where necessary.

4. Employee Training: We provide training to our employees to raise awareness of modern slavery risks and how to report any concerns or suspicions.

5. Whistleblowing Policy: We have established a whistleblowing policy to enable employees, suppliers, and other stakeholders to report any suspicions or incidents of modern slavery without fear of retaliation.

6. Continuous Improvement: We continually review and improve our practices and policies to ensure our efforts to combat modern slavery remain effective.


Our Performance

To date, we are not aware of any instances of modern slavery or human trafficking within our organization or supply chain. We will continue to monitor and assess the effectiveness of our efforts in this regard.


Future Commitments

We remain committed to the fight against modern slavery and human trafficking and will continue to take proactive steps to ensure that our organization and supply chain remain free from these practices. We will also report our progress on this matter in subsequent statements.


Contact Information

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this modern slavery statement or wish to report a potential issue related to modern slavery, please contact:

Masata Team

This statement was approved by Masata on 01.01.2023 and will be reviewed annually.